Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Elon Musk just released his blueprint for the Hyperloop, a new mode of transportation that would forever change the way people travel, commute, and live their lives. Period. It’s a vision that, if realized, changes everything. We could live in Los Angeles and work in New York, or we could visit distant friends and relatives in the time it takes to shop for groceries; there’s some real socioeconomic...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Follow me on my travels: San Francisco - Singapore - Hyderabad - Dubai - Dusseldorf - Crete - Strasbourg - Paris - Dublin - New York - San Francisco Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Here are a few videos: ...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Throwing the Cross" was submitted to the San Francisco 48 hour film festival and debuted this Tuesday at the Luminiere Theatre in San Francisco. I am one of the actors! The movie has a great script and it was a fun change from the usual stuff that I take part in. It was written by my roommate Evan Tsao (@doubleoevan) and captured within the time span of one weekend due to the restrictions of the...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

If you ever get a chance to visit the caribbean, go to Culebra and Vieques. Click on the image to see all our pictures and read up on more thoughts below: Culebra/ Vieques Alex (@adhays) and I started our journey thanks to free Airtran airline tickets. We flew out San Francisco on a Wednesday night and arrived via the red-eye flight in Puerto Rico the next day. We were welcomed by...

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